International Leadership of Texas

Issuer Overview
International Leadership of Texas

Issuer Type: School Districts


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Issuer Overview
International Leadership of Texas

Issuer Type: School Districts


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Others Before Self | Otros Antes De Uno Mismo | 先人后己

On behalf of International Leadership of Texas (ILTexas), I welcome you to our new investor relations website. At ILTexas, our mission is to prepare students for exceptional leadership roles in the international community by emphasizing servant leadership, mastering the English, Spanish, and Chinese languages, and strengthening the mind, body, and character. This mission drives every decision we make, both inside the classroom and at the Headquarters level. 

We serve more than 21,000 students across 21 campuses throughout the Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Cleveland, and College Station areas. In addition to our mission, we are also committed to ensuring that our students are successful, whatever it takes - legally, morally, and ethically. Our graduating class of 2022, comprised of more than 600 exceptional leaders earned more than $80,000,000 in merit-based scholarships and gained admissions into the top colleges and universities around the globe. 

We appreciate your interest and investment in bonds issued by the charter school, as it allows us to make critical investments in infrastructure and in our classrooms. We are committed to maintaining our strong bond ratings, and we are also committed to being as transparent as possible with the investor community and the public at large.

I hope you find this website helpful as you seek to better understand the credit fundamentals of ILTexas. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions. Thank you again for your interest in our bond program.