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ILTexas Principal Runs 27 Miles for 27 High School Seniors

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May 21, 2022


ARLINGTON, Texas–As the school year draws to a close, and seniors prepare to graduate, one ILTexas principal wanted to do something special to congratulate his students for their hard work. Marco De Leon, who serves as principal of ILTexas Lancaster-Desoto High School (LDHS) created a ‘27 for 27’ mile run where he would run 27 miles to raise scholarship money for each of his 27 graduating seniors. 

De Leon’s race began at 5 a.m. at the LDHS campus with the finishing point at ILTexas Arlington-Grand Prairie High school (AGPHS). The latter school was chosen to honor  the humble beginnings of LDHS which started in the portable classrooms on the AGPHS Campus. 

“I was going to run where our new building is projected to be in Dallas . . . but [the seniors] wanted to be here to have a little flashback,” De Leon said. “It’s just a great story, and the story culminates with their May 27 graduation.”

Deleon finished his run shortly after 12 noon after running for six hours straight. LDHS seniors, staff, and parents were in attendance to cheer him on.

For Amyrah Simmons, a graduating senior at LDHS, De Leon’s efforts were admirable.

“I think that [the run] just proves that he wants to see us succeed,” she said. “He saw that all of us were worth it.”

As for De Leon, he wants the focus of the run to be on students as they prepare for college. 

“This class is special in what they’ve been able to accomplish and [what] they’re going to continue to accomplish,” he said. “College costs are insane and . . . any cent, any dime, [is] very appreciative [so] we can donate to the kids because it will help them.”

For more information on the ‘27 for 27’ mile run and ways you can donate, please visit their website here.

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